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Why should you choose 0defect for Smart Contract Auditing Services?

Quick Review of

Expert team of Auditors

Checks for 150+ vulnerabilities

Comprehensive audit report

0defect provides a holistic audit for your Smart Contract to add an extra security layer to your code.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the benefit of opting for a Smart Contract Audit?

Smart contract audit helps eliminate the vulnerabilities in the code, which could cost severe damage to the clients. It helps to instill confidence among the investors about the company’s reliability.

What issues can be identified during a Smart Contract Audit?

A smart contract audit service helps lookout for logical and access control vulnerabilities issues. It is essential to protect your code from malignant actors as they can cause severe financial damage to a company.

What is the duration of an Audit?

The duration of a smart contract audit typically ranges from a couple of days to even a month. While a simple token contract (like ERC20 and others) can be audited in a span of a couple of days, a complex project may take a longer time, anywhere between 15 days to a month.

What is the difference between a Manual audit and an Automated audit?

A manual audit consists of code undergoing several checks by our team of experts. The Auditors look for the correct implementation of the code. An automated audit uses testing tools to verify the performance of the contract’s specifications. The automated audit helps to minimize the errors left in manual review.

How much does a Smart Contract Audit Cost?

The charges for a smart contract audit depend on the complexity and duration. The costs also depend on the business requirements. Contact our team to get a personalized quote for your blockchain project.